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Everything posted by Mabel

  1. Mabel

    Big Thanks

    Well done Maggie. ;)
  2. Well done to those people who have made this site such a useful thing is so short a time. I'd like to say thank you. I use this site to find out what is going on, and, like most people I suspect, I don't have anything much to say myself but like to read about all the interesting things going on and keep in touch. There are two sections which have already had over 2000 visitors, one is the Llangollen Canal Heritage section and the other is the one about sustainable transport. That is an great amount of people from a small community. I am very impressed by your energy and commitment.
  3. hello everybody I have been wondering what has happened about the planning thing for the World Heritage Site. I have heard nothing more from anybody. Does anyone know what is going on? What will the sculpture be like? I really don't want to see a monstrous thing spoiling the countryside. Hope it won't be a dead shark.
  4. Well this does sound like a nice idea. Have you thought of putting something into the Wren about it? I have been watching Kirsty Alsop on the television making things like I used to do a long time ago now. I can remember carefully unpicking jumpers then reknitting them as something else, sometimes even my father's smelly socks. I think we will need to rediscover all those skills as times get harder again.
  5. I have found this site whilst (fruitlessly) looking for something else on the St Martins site .http://www.disabledholidayinfo.org.uk I see that they are based in Oswestry, and their site has a lot of valuable information about places to visit around and not quite so near to us. The sort of information on here, about gates, and steps and difficulty getting around, would not only be of interest to disabled people. For example Mums with children and pushchairs might also find it helpful. They also describe places to go in a very lively way.
  6. Well January now and nothing much is forthcoming from St Martins on this site. I have had occasion to look at St Martins Online this month and there seems to be something wrong with it and it doesn't appear to be that well updated. Quite a lot of times I tried to click on buttons that would take me to another place but nothing happened. There was nothing there about what is happening with Ifton Heath School. But, I was very impressed with a site that was listed on the main one and will put this into the general part of this site because I think that it seems a very useful site. This is called Disabled Holiday Information. I found it very informative.
  7. Thanks very much suescho for telling me where there is some info about Ifton Lantern Parade. Could you do this as links so that peeps can go there from this site? I.e. http://another st.martins website/71.html ( which is the photos from the Lantern Parade this year). I don't really want to have to come out of this site then go searching through St Martins Website, when links like this do the job. I am now using this site (ie com-online) as a sort of one stop hub and signpost to other sites and to whats going on in the area and really like that as it is quick and very convenient. Also couldn't actually see anything on that site about what is happening with the primary school. But did find that information about a 3 parish water forum is there. Does this mean that this is an organisation that all 3 villages should know about, or is it a misnomer for a St Martins Water Forum. Seems to be about paying water bills? Could someone explain. I didn't know about this. For anyone else reading this, then I should point out that the site that Suescho mentions is a village website for St Martins (not a Forum like this). There is similar information from Gobowen and Sellatyn on their Parish Council site http://www.2shrop.net/Selattyn%20and%20Gobowen%20Parish%20Council Both sites are very good and full of updated information. Weston Rhyn has http://www.westonrhyn-online.co.uk/home.htm which has lots of information and links, (but at brief view the parish council page hasn't been updated recently; which is a bit unfair because other pages are up to date.) None of these sites have forums like this one.
  8. I am really enjoying the way this Forum is developing, and reading all the posts from members. But I wondered why there is so little from St Martins on the site. I was looking forward to hearing how the lantern parade went this year but nothing from anyone. I'm sure there is a lot happening in St Martins, for example what is happening with the Primary School and it's proposed move to Rhyn Park site? We'd all love to know what's going on in the village.
  9. I agree that dog owners should be more responsible. I don't think it is just the lack of free poo-bags that stops people picking up after their dogs, being as any plastic bag will do, and we discard enormous numbers of carrier bags anyway so most people should have a ready supply. It only takes one dog, allowed to poo where it will say 2 or 3 times a day, every day, for an area to become covered in poo despite the majority of owners in the same area being responsible. I know that it is recommended that you should offer a bag to an owner letting its dog leave its little deposit behind, but whenever I have seen this happen I have been too scared of the owner (invariably a man) to do anything about it. What I really hate on these dark evenings, is going into undergrowth to pick up after the dog and then stepping in another dogs poo which has been left behind. Owners take a torch with you when its dark!
  10. Mabel


    Free Trees This is why I started this thread. Found this on Council website. Free Trees. The Community Tree Scheme is one of the ways in which we support tree planting in Shropshire. It enables you to apply for native trees and shrubs free of charge. The scheme is open to anyone who wants to plant trees in a location where they will be readily visible to the public and enhance the landscape and character of the area. http://www.shropshire.gov.uk/environment.nsf/open/3B24CB246C9AA7908025755A00696685
  11. Mabel


    Thought I'd start a thread for free things available to people in our area.
  12. You are correct Lee. The crashmap site has 3 accidents along that stretch by the Post Office and takeaway, 2 minor in 2005 and 2008 and a serious one in 2009. One problem that I would like to grumble about is that there is never enough space to park up at the top end of the village. There are usually lots of cars all around the roundabout outside the Institute. Driving up through the village can be slow and you need all your wits about you and eyes in the back of your head. Somewhere off the road to park would be a help.
  13. There was something in the Shropshire Star last week about dangerous road accidents in Oswestry, which pointed to a web site called crashmap.co.uk. You can look at the roads around Weston Rhyn too, and obvious spots for accidents show up. What is really clever is that they show the minor accidents too, and that way it is clear that some places are really dangerous with lots more minor accidents that I wasn't aware of as well as the headline making ones, such as Gledrid Roundabout. Other places have clusters of accidents around them that are classed as minor, such as outside Weston Rhyn School. I wonder if this means that outside the school is just statistically a serious accident waiting to happen or what. It always scares me to drive past the school at school picking up time and I'm dreading the dark days of winter.
  14. Mabel

    Fashion Show

    Fashion Show in Edinburgh Wool Shop in Oswestry. In Aid of Weston Rhyn Institute. Come along, enjoy yourself and support your local village hall. Tickets cost £5 and are available from Angela Bright phone 770016. :)
  15. Ears to the ground suggests that British Waterways are looking to improve the next bit of towpath from Gledrid in Ellesmere direction, but I don't know much more, like how far or anything, suppose it depends on how much money they can find. I'll ask the right questions and post up what I find out!
  16. Some of us have had a letter through the door about a new supplementary planning guidance for world heritage site and its buffer zone. The consultation on this draft finishes at the end of December. At the moment it can only be found on the Denbighshire Council Site. Probably worth a look because of implications of planning restrictions for any developments in Chirk Bank, Rhosweil and Pontfaen. I think it looks OK, if a bit long winded, but then I am a bit of a NIMBY.
  17. Has anyone got any ideas about what we can do to improve Chirk Bank for the residents? Chirk Bank Community Group have been raising money, and would now quite like to spend some of it on ourselves. One idea would be to plant some bulbs around the village. But what do you think?
  18. until
    Come along to Chirk Bank Methodist Hall on Saturday. Teas and Cakes, Raffle, gift stalls etc; In aid of Community Group.
  19. Particularly attracted by the prize draw for completed surveys, £100 is a lot of money these days.
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