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Everything posted by Robmit

  1. We need to keep our eyes open Bethan as the actual decision seems to be ages away.
  2. I got it also but as you say Lee, all the documents seem to be unavailable. I guess we will have to wait until Monday and give the council a phone call.
  3. Hi Bethan, I have the same result; "all documents are unavailable." I tried the site to check on another application for a friend and had the same result so I guess they site takes the weekend off! Fingers crossed that the application has been withdrawn but we shall have to be patient until Monday. Have a nice weekend. Rob
  4. There are many many (hundreds of thousands) of correct facing roof tops and gardens throughout the country so that would not be a problem if sufficient grants were to be made available. The fact that I also walk past the proposed site regularly is of little importance to the vast majority of country loving people. I do know that some small tenant farmers are struggling these days but I don't know of one farmer in this area who is suffering judging by the farm traffic that passes my door nearly every day and also the luxury cars that they all run. I think people do realize that we need solar and other renewable energy sources but they should be placed in the appropriate places not in the centre of beautiful countryside when there are plenty of brown field and industrial sites available in many parts of the county. It is all a matter of proper management.
  5. Have you actually walked past the proposed site? Do you live anywhere near it? I also am all for green energy but not on beautiful arable green farmland. There are alternative methods of producing energy other than ruining our heritage i.e., installation of panels on roof tops and the use of brown-field and disused industrial sites.
  6. Thank you for your informative comments Bethan. Assuming that the figures are roughly correct there seems no logic whatsoever in spending such a huge sum on solar panels at Rhosygadfa if the new line from Wrexham to Oswestry will do the job. This, of course, does depend on where the power is produced in the first place rather than the distribution line, and the real consideration here should be how the power is produced i.e., by green energy or polluting fossil fuels. I think that everyone is keen on green energy but not at the cost of desecrating our beautiful countryside when the capital cost could be better spent by making generous financial contributions to private homes for roof-top panels and, of course, using brown-field and disused industrial land for solar panels. I fear that the National Debt is not a priority here but profit at the cost of desecrating our beautiful countryside which once ruined can never be reinstated in our lifetimes. I have sent my own objection to: Shropshire Council planning website application number 14/03946/FUL and I hope many others will do the same if they care about our heritage as much as I do. There is little time left to object in view of the Council considering the application so early on the 28th October.
  7. Thanks Bethan, I need my eyes sorting out! I posted a bad link but I have viewed the application and the comments so far.
  8. I found the link did not work and used the following: - http://new.shropshire.gov.uk/planning/applications/viewing-planning-applications/ It looks as though this application is being rushed through before it has been given sufficient publication for us to consider it. I thoroughly echo Mrs Anne Kynaston's objections and am hoping for more news from the rest of "Community on Line" concerning the possibility of a mass protest on the 28th October.
  9. As a matter of interest the link certainly reflects my own views. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29679312 Farmers should stick to farming and solar panel are fine on rooftops etc., but not on beautiful green fields.
  10. It is a great site Lee and I can't wait to learn about the exciting new project when you are ready to give us details. Regards, Rob.
  11. I would just like to point out that land used for AGRICULTURAL purposes (not dairy or meat producing) is NOT a polluter of greenhouse gasses. I'm also a veggie guy as well as being a lover of unspoiled countryside. Another "can of worms! Ha ha!
  12. Once there is momentum there will be no stopping the desecration of our wonderful countryside. Agricultural land should not be utilised for such change of use and only brown field sites should be considered. Greed will often win and in the instance we should all fight very hard to make certain that it is contained.
  13. GRASS DOES NOT GROW IN PERPETUAL SHADE! I read Mr. Brian Case's comments in the Oswestry & Border Chronicle of this week and completely agree with them. I am, like so many others, completely in favour of green energy but as commented by other subscribers, rooftop and brown field sites, not green pasture and beautiful scenic land, should be utilised. I fail to see how the land could still be used for the grazing of sheep when the area would be covered with solar panels one or two metres above the actual ground, although this is not my main concern which is the destruction of the visual amenity as well as grazing. GRASS DOES NOT GROW IN PERPETUAL SHADE,
  14. I live close to the site although it is not directly in my vision. It is, however, a huge area and I feel it will be a blot on the landscape and possibly a precedent for other farm lands to be utilised if planning permission is allowed. The money offered should not be a consideration here as once our beautiful countryside is damaged it will remain so for a very long time. I don't wish to stand in the way of progress and I am all in favour of green energy but not at the cost of ruining our landscape. For those with doubts I suggest making a short trip to the site to satisfy your own minds; it is not far away after all!
  15. What a dreadfully sad story. It appears to me that there has been some initial over exuberant reporting and I strongly feel that the RSPCA officials who were involved in this matter should be thoroughly investigated. I love living in Gobowen and hope the community spirit will grow stronger.
  16. As I understand the location Maggie, the land in question is that close to Ebnal Hall Farm and if one takes the minor road off the Gobowen to St. Martin's Road (the B5069) to Rhosygadafa on the right hand side towards Whittington, about 1/2 mile down the hill there is a pond with a road towards the canal and Rhosygadafa on the left hand side and Ebnal farm opposite on the right hand side. The proposed site is on the the farmhouse side of the road but I do not know the exact location.
  17. Thank you Bethan for taking the trouble to post this information which I am sure we all appreciate. I very much regret that I was unable to attend this meeting and will most certainly make sure that I attend any in the future. It would be nice if interested members could get together to discuss the proposal further. Kind regards and thanks again. Rob
  18. I echo the comments of Bethan above plus:- Irrespective of the amount of the financial offer the consideration should be whether or not this proposed development would have any detrimental effect on the environment from all aspects including visual. It could also, if approved, start a chain of applications for similar developments which would not enhance our beautiful local scenery. I certainly like the idea of non-polluting energy but not at the expense of ruining our local countryside and there I rest my case; at least until we know more. I'm really disappointed not to be able to attend this meeting and I hope that many others will. Unfortunately I am obliged to keep a long-standing appointment in Shrewsbury and won't be back until late; shall look forward to hearing other members' opinions.
  19. I agree with you Lee and it is difficult to get perfection as, obviously, the cost of a designated cycle lane would be prohibitive. However appropriate signs would not and might be a reasonable solution.
  20. This is a rather late reply for which I apologize. There are still so many these days that I can't differentiate one from the other! I heartily endorse your wishes for the many drivers who exceed the speed limit and just wish the police would patrol the roads during morning and evening rush hours. Being selfish I am particularly concerned with the B5069 which I observe daily to be a death trap and on which I fear there is a tragedy waiting to happen. Of course the School section should have priority control, but many motorists seem to want to use the road as a speedway once they approach the hill up to Rhewl and the de-restriction sign towards St. Martins. Coming into the Rhewl area from St. Martins many drivers are greatly exceeding the speed limit and don't slow down until they see the new speed warning light by the playing fields. I no longer ride my bike on this dangerous road and prefer to push it along the footpath (rather than risk a £1000 fine which I certainly could not afford) until I reach the country lanes or the Canal. This, of course, is very limiting and precludes using my bike for many other trips. Groan groan!
  21. I agree that cycling on town and village footpaths should continue to be illegal. However, where footpaths exist on country B roads (e.g., B5069) Oswestry to Ellesmere road) which is full of sharp curves and HIGH SPEED DRIVERS, cyclists should be permitted to use the footpaths on the understanding that they dismount when nearing a pedestrian. I understand that the law currently states that cyclists can be fined up to £1000 for riding on country footpaths which seems to me to be totally wrong and a great discouragement for cycling.
  22. I just hope it punctures the tyres of all those drivers who exceed the speed limit!
  23. 75 acres is a substantial site and also in one of the most beautiful rural areas of our county. We are losing a lot of our wonderful natural countryside heritage to industry and I feel that this development might yet be another "nail in the coffin" for its preservation and unlikely to benefit the local area in any way. I most sincerely hope that the Council will publish full details of the meeting in order that local people may become more fully acquainted with the proposals.
  24. Thanks for your response Gardner, and I am sorry that it has taken me so long to come back to let you know that I have used your method for negotiating this wretched roundabout with pretty good success. Still encounter the occasional idiot who uses my suggested method but fortunately not many! Thanks again and good motoring. Rob.
  25. I for one would be very sad to lose such a useful and pleasant library. Trouble is that "if we don't use it we lose it" rather like the rails links of days gone by, and now we regret their loss.
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