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Everything posted by Gardner

  1. Preeshenlle United Reformed Church, St. Martins Road, Gobowen Service at 11.00 am led by ourselves 6.30 - Gobowen Scout Group Carol Service You will be most welcome
  2. Preeshenlle United Reformed Church, St. Martins Road, Gobowen 1st Sunday in Advent with Morning Service You will be most welcome
  3. Gardner

    Christmas Fayre

    Preeshenlle United Reformed Church, St. Martins Road, Gobowen Christmas Fayre with Coffee & Mince Pies Come and see Father Christmas in his Grotto Hot turkey baps served at 12.00 noon Come and browse around our Christmas stalls - gifts - preserves - pickles - toys - raffle - jewellery
  4. Gardner

    Christmas Bingo

    Preeshenlle United Reformed Church, St. Martins Road, Gobowen Christmas Bingo Friday 22nd November Doors open at 7 pm Eyes down at 7.30 pm Admission by ticket only - 50p To include refreshments
  5. Oswestry Equality Group present WELFARE REFORMS and the 'BEDROOM TAX' What do they mean to YOU? Come and join the debate on Thursday 21st November at 7.30 pm in Eastern Oswestry Community Centre, Cabin Lane, Oswestry, SY11 2LQ £1 entry to cover hall and refreshments E. oswestryequalitygroup@gmal.com
  6. Has that car with the flat tyres on Gobowen Library car park been abandoned? It's been there for months! Why hasn't it been towed away for scrap?
  7. I remember when I was a little girl Doctor Who used to terrify me. This competition is very hard, but I have memories of a story with the 3rd Doctor Who in which he said something about going in straight lines. It had a monster with no neck and it was set in history, the past, another era, not the present day and not in the future.
  8. You are able to get very good press coverage. I noticed the large article and photograph of the presentation of the petition in the Tizer a couple of weeks ago. Considering that neither reporters nor any press photographers were there, how do you manage to get your story published so widely?
  9. I'm sure that there will be reductions in the services Shropshire Council offers in other areas and that it's not a case of targeting one particular group. You've got to remember our rates have been frozen for another year, and that has got to be good news as it stimulates local business. The big question is, if you were in charge, what would you cut back on?
  10. Surely the closure of 2 day cnetres in Oswestry isn't that important! We have a deficit of £85 million to clear so there have got to be cuts somewhere. I'm sure that there are centres in and around Oswestry (such as the community centre in St. Martins) that would welcome greater use of the facilities they have to offer. We can't go on living beyond our means.
  11. I've noticed a number of campaigns on this site, on local village notice boards and in various newspapers recently. Here are some that I can think of off the top of my head: Trying to stop new houses being built around the base of the Old Oswestry Hillfort Trying to stop council houses being run by private businesses Getting a 20 mph speed limit imposed in the centre of Oswestry Town Getting a new path built to link Gobowen to Oswestry Getting a new Zebra Crossing built on St. Martins Road in Gobowen Trying to stop the out of town shopping centre in Oswestry I know many of the people behind these campaigns are well-meaning and spend a lot of time and effort on their individual causes. I also know that at some point all of these campaigns go before Shropshire Council, but what happens after that? Does the council respond? Does all your campaigning make any difference at all?
  12. Gardner

    Spider Man Meeting

    Interested in Spiders? Nigel-Cane Honeysett (Shropshire Spider Group) will be telling us all about spiders at the St. Martins Community Centre, and in particular those found at Ifton Meadows LNR during a survey conducted in June. Visitors £2.50 accompanied children free. Everyone Welcome! (Friends of Ifton Meadows)
  13. I remember, many years ago, before Jasmine Gardens was bulit, that whole area behind The Coppy was a field with a number of natural springs. That whole area is very wet, which maybe a reason why it's not used as crop farmland. In addition, I understand that there are restrictions on metal detecting/digging in the area around the Earthworks (Hillfort), but I may be wrong on this point. But I would say the situation is complex (now, where did I put my box of extremely rare newts...?)
  14. Yes...one vehicle parked on a trailer!
  15. There are a number of wrecked cars causing a nuisance to pedestrians and road users along Fernhill Lane. What a disgrace!!! This is a residential area, not a scrap yard. Would you like to live next door to this?
  16. I had an email this morning. As an elderly lady, I feel this new idea very disturbing: "NHS - A serious threat This could be very serious. The Conservatives are floating plans to cap the number of times we are allowed to visit our GP. [1] If we run out of visits – because we've got a sickly child or long-term health condition, for example – we could be forced to pay to go elsewhere. At the moment it's just a proposal. [2] But if the Conservatives don't see a big public backlash, it could soon be a grim reality. So let's raise an outcry as quickly as possible and push them to drop the idea immediately. Please sign the urgent petition now: tell health minister Jeremy Hunt to rule out limiting our access to NHS GPs: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/dont-cap-GP-visits Jeremy Hunt will be watching the public's reaction carefully. He is an ambitious politician with an eye on his own popularity. If he sees a huge petition growing fast, he'll realise this is damaging his ratings. So if enough of us sign, we could play a key role in getting this idea dropped. Being able to visit the family doctor when we need it is a bedrock of a decent health system. GPs are often our first port of call when we're ill. [3] Limiting access to GPs could mean a dangerous illness is left undetected until it's too late – unless of course you've got private medical insurance… But this isn't just about GPs. This is about a principle at the heart of our battle to protect the NHS. Since the NHS was created, everyone in Britain has been able to rely on visiting a doctor as often as we need to. Limiting access would undermine the NHS at its very foundations. So let's send the Conservatives a strong message: drop this terrible idea."
  17. I live in Gobowen and I would like to extend my grateful thanks to our council for putting up the minutes of the meetings and the parish newsletter. I see this site very much as a one stop shop for gathering information on village life. And a big thank you to Lee for putting the details on the site.
  18. I've read with interest that my energy supplier Npower is avoiding paying Corporation Tax. The latest company in a list that appears to include Starbucks, Amazon and Google. I've also recently seen reports on the news that the large fuel companies may have been fixing their prices for over ten years! I feel so helpless. How many times have I been ripped-off without knowing it? Apart from changing my energy provider, is their anything else I can do?
  19. "Betty's Coffee Shop" is, I think, a chain whereas the one in Gobowen is just a name. I think they have been "advised" to rename the cafe. I think "Twmpath Tearoom" would suit it.
  20. Betty's Coffee Shop is a cafe in the grounds of the Derwen College by the gowling green just off Twmpath Road in Gobowen. Because it shares it's name with a commercial enterprise in another part of the country they having to come up with a new name. Also within the grounds of the college is Tiffin's Garden Cafe and there's also the Orangery. Does anyone have any ideas on a new name for Betty's Coffee Shop?
  21. The Derwen College Fete, Twmpath Lane, Gobowen From 1.30 pm onwards. All Welcome!
  22. Gardner

    Rose Queen Fete

    Preeshenlle United Reformed Church Rose Queen Fete Gobowen Pavilion & Playing Field, St. Martins Road, Gobowen Crowning of the Rose Queen by Mr & Mrs John Abram Display given by Drums Corp of Boreatton Scout Group Dog Agility Display Sideshows - Cake Stall - Hot Dogs - Bouncy Castle - Face Painting - Children's Competitions - Book Stall - Cuddle Toy Stall - Tombola - Refreshments and many more. All Welcome! Come along and enjoy the afternoon.
  23. It's polling day and I'm not inspired to vote. The trouble is we've all heard about the cuts that are going to happen. I've had 2 flyers from 3 candidates and the most they can offer is a freeze on my rates. No one has actually been around to speak to me. Does anyone else in the area feel the same as me, or is this another dead thread?
  24. This may sound a little sinful, but perhaps the institute should get a licence to sell/serve alcohol. The main hall is big enough to hold a large party. I'm also convinced that local public consultation meetings would be alot better attended and stimulating if free drink was available to attendees. It needn't be beer. What about a glass of wine or a shot of whiskey...just enough to loosen the tongue and get a debate going.
  25. Has anybody seen the state of Gobowen Football Pitch recently? I was walking around up there with Tricky Woo and whilst he was doing his business I noticed a number of clods of earth and an orange tee! Someone has been using the pitch for golf practice! What a liberty!
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