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  1. Hi Geoff, You are not alone in relation to the barking dogs.. I am actually waiting for a form to be sent from the council. Although there are several dogs barking at different times of the day. There is one specific to me, that is let out very early, so as to give everyone an early call.... I get up for work at 6am, and its starts before i get up. We all need to join forces with this and nip it in the bud. I'm not saying that all the owners are selfish anti social people, in fact i dont think they actually hear their rover barking... It is just a background noise they get used too.....But there are one or two who dont actually care. Allan
  2. Hi, I live in the West Place/Hammonds place area......the dog barking is at epidemic proportions, it is constant all day long.....i.e. one stops, another one starts. There are even night time yappers. Dogs do not know they are doing wrong, its part of their nature.....What is wrong is the, anti social, and downright ignorance, of the owner of these dogs who allow is to happen without, attempting to stop it. I have in the past reported a particular person, for actively encouraging their dog to bark....i was given a sheet to record the times and duration of the barking. This was returned to the particular council department, and the owner was visited, and threatened with procecution. The problem we have now...is the sheer number of barking dogs. One person would find it difficult to record the timings of every culprit. What we need is the individuals who are neighbours...i.e. live within the close proximity of the offending animal. To obtain one of these record sheets and log the times and durations, of the barking. Then the authorities will have a overall picture of the extent of the problem... I'm sure that it isn't only me who finds this constant barking, a nuisance. The contact information i have is.....Rob Bowland Technical Officer - Environmental Health 01743 251873 rob.bowland@shropshire.gov.uk
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